Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A New Lease on Life

Last week I had off from school for reading week. Everything was going pretty well- I was getting work done, seeing friends, and even getting some rest in.


I came down with the worst stomach virus of my life. However gross you think it was, think 10 times grosser. After canceling a much anticipated dinner party, I spent two days lying in bed, in and out of consciousness. It seemed that I could not remember a time when I wasn't sick. I thought I had been born throwing up.

And then somewhere around the 48 hour mark things started turning around and by Sunday night I had made an almost full recovery.

While I may be overstating the depth of my brief illness, it really did make me appreciate just feeling good. I'm trying to carry that into this stressful time at school, as we're all struggling to study and get papers done in a very short amount of time. Yet really, nothing is all that critical. I'm doing my best, without giving up my life and that seems to be working out so far. I know this rosy disposition won't last, especially for me, but I thought I'd mention it to you maybe so you can look at what's causing you stress, and how important that really is.

As my Boston kids used to say, "It ain't that serious."

Happy Halloween!

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