Monday, July 30, 2007

Why it is handy to have lived in Mississippi

Because when I saw a giant roach (or Arthur as he is known to some) crawling out of my dorm room closet tonight, I knew what to do. First, I threw the thing I was holding (my Greek textbook) with perfect aim onto the bug. Then, having alarmed and dazed Arthur, but not completely killed him, I had time to grab the heaviest thing in my room that I could easily pick up to throw on him (my $180 Greek Lexicon). That did it. He is now in my garbage can.

Roaches bother me for a few reasons. Firstly, they survived even when the dinosaurs didn't. That's intense. Secondly, the old addage "they are more afraid of you then you are of them" doesn't really seem to be the case here. I've looked several in the eye and they are not terrifed, scared, or even the least bit concerned. And while I respect them for their determination and tenacity, I do NOT want them in my room.


Linda said...

you missed the part where we were talking on the phone and you screamed, LOUDLY, into my ear upon seeing aurthur!!
p.s. did you get his monacle too??

Erin said...

Kerry and I found an Arthur on the ground near your bed the other day. He was a suicidal bug. Dead before we got too him. I think he died of a broken heart. He missed you. I go see if he left a note...