Friday, July 27, 2007

One of those a good way.

With my free time today, not needing to study since exam two is over and it's the weekend, I watched the movie Proof. I was curious to see it because I loved the play it was based on. The movie I thought was surprisingly good and very true to the play. If you are unfamiliar with the story, basically it is about a young woman whose father was an amazing mathematician. In his last years though he becomes incoherent and incapable of taking care of himself. She gives up school to stay home and take care of it. Post-death a proof is found and assumed to be his, but it turns out to have been written by her.

I like this story because it deals alot with what is concrete and what is provable and what is only provable because you can't prove the opposite. Aside from that, it asks alot of questions about greatness and where it lies. I am left with a question, What great things am I yet to accomplish? What novel, theory, or movement is waiting and sleeping within me?

Someone recently asked me what my greatest fear is. My answer was that I would get "stuck" somewhere for the rest of my life.

Yet, luckily and beautifully, there is freedom and change and propulsion and potential. I think sometimes God created an imperfect world on purpose so we could honestly and deeply feel when our struggles pay off, when wars end, when there is real equality, when homes are rebuilt, when women walk up the stairs of a seminary where they weren't allowed for a hundred years, and even when you pass an exam in a a language that was written thousands of years ago.

The question now is, what will I do first?

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